Fragments in PCD@Coimbra

Fragments will be exhibited as video artwork in the Open Submission section along with other 43 international artists’ pieces under this year’s theme “Community” at PCD@Coimbra by Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra Polo 2. PCD@Coimbra aims at being a showcase for what is currently being developed in Portugal, especially in Coimbra, and also a place for stimulating discussion and initiating future collaborations. In this event, PCD@Coimbra includes workshops, exhibitions and talk sessions. Keynote lecture “Bit by Bit: Introducing Code in Graphic Design Education” is at 2pm on the 7th by Stig Møller Hanse. More details can be found on their main website. “Fragments” illustrates the idea that everyone is like the flying color dots roaming around the space and eventually end up in their spots to make a complete painting as their final role/destination living in the world.

Fragments video link:

PCD@Coimbra Webpage:

我的Creative Coding 影音作品,Fragments,很開心在今年主題為 “Community”(群落)的PCD@Coimbra (Processing Community Day @ Coimbra)下的Open Submission類別中展出。Fragments與其他43件世界各地使用Processing或其他Creative Coding軟體創作的藝術品,於12月7與8日兩日參展。除了展覽外,相關演講,技術工作營等活動也於主辦單位Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra Polo 2系館內舉行。葡萄牙時間7日下午2點,將有由Stig Møller Hanse為Keynote Speaker的演講「Bit by Bit: Introducing Code in Graphic Design Education」,8日則有兩場包含TouchDesigner的Workshops。Fragments作品中的彩色圓點,漫遊在無窮的空間中,而隨著時間流逝,最終這些圓點都會落在個別所屬的位置上,完美地形成一幅完整的畫作,就像世界上的每個人最終都會找到自己生活在世界上的最終角色/目的地。

Fragments 影片:
