Monitoring Room in a.topos | Creative-Room#2_Utopia Dystopia

The video of my interactive VR project was showcased at SPARC* Spazio Arte, Contemporanea, Venice, Italy through March 13. The exhibition “Creative-Room#2- Utopia Dystopia” curated by a.topos, invites artists to dedicate their art to the theme of “The Future of Art and the Art of the Future”. A.topos, established by 2 incredible female curators, is trying to build up its role in promoting political, social, and cultural change with its aim to contribute to building an unbiased ethos based on diversity and equity within the Arts. “Monitoring Room” reflects on the surveillance problem coming not only from Big Brother (the government and corporate) owning the privilege to manipulate private data but also individual social media power interfering with everyone’s daily lives.


a.topos website:

Creative-Room #2 – Utopia Dystopia webpage:

a.topos IG:

Monitoring Room:


前兩年因為疫情,我的作品幾乎都是參加線上展覽,今年開始很多策展團隊開始規劃實體展出,雖然出國不是那麼方便,能以自己的作品遊訪歐洲,也算是了了一個心願啦! 而義大利似乎是我的福地,繼前天的羅馬,現在又來到了威尼斯。

我的VR互動影片作品Monitoring Room於3月3日至3月13日在義大利威尼斯市中心的SPARC* Spazio Arte Contemporanea 藝術中心展出,由a.topos女性策展團隊策畫的Creative-Room #2- Utopia Dystopia,是這系列的第二次舉辦,邀請到世界各地的藝術家,以「藝術的未來、未來的藝術」為主題,表達團隊策展的宗旨,希望能建立一個推廣政治、社會與文化轉變議題的藝術組織,為藝術多樣性和公平性的公正精神做出貢獻。Monitoring Room這件作品反映了在政府、大企業、甚或是自媒體擁有不對等權力之下,我們無時無刻被監控的當代社會現況。

這是這個作品第一次以影片的形式展出,期待之後有機會可以現場展出這個沉浸式VR 體驗!

a.topos 網頁:
Creative-Room #2 – Utopia Dystopia網頁:
a.topos IG:
Monitoring Room: