Living Wonderland in In-Touch | CICA Museum

My 3D visual video project, “Living Wonderland” is selected as one of 25 artworks exhibited in “In Touch” at CICA (Czong Institute for Contemporary Art) at Gyeonggido, South Korea. For more detailed information about the artworks and artists in the exhibition, please visit And it is also my pleasure and honor that the captured image of living wonderland was selected by the CICA as the main image for the promotion of the exhibition. Living Wonderland reveals our lust of craving for freedom in everyone during this unprecedented time. If you are coincidently around there, please pay a visit if you are interested.


CICA Museum/ In Touch


我的3D視覺作品Living Wonderland與其他24組藝術作品共同在名為 “In Touch”的主題下,於韓國京畿道的CICA (Czong Institute for Contemporary Art) 美術館展出。關於展覽的作品與藝術家介紹,可至此鏈結了解更多細節(。很榮幸作品也被展覽單位選為展覽海報與 宣傳物的主視覺。Living Wonderland 主要闡述在新冠病毒下隔離的我們,對於自由與空間的渴望,猶如一個想要掙脫束縛的動物不斷地隱隱騷動。如果有人正好正巧在韓國的話,也可以至現場參觀。


CICA Museum/ In Touch