WonderForest in Moving Body Festival

My VR interactive immersive installation, WonderForest, was selected in Moving Body Festival: Critical Moves under the New Media section in Bulgaria. Since COVID-19, Moving Body Festival attempts to look for the future definition of “Body”. Is it a collective body, а material as well as an abstract one, a body in motion, or the only thing that makes it feel whole? WonderForest intends to reflect on their topic but more focus on the new definition of bodily senses by utilizing VR technology as the medium. Instead of fully recreating a realistic style of the environment in VR, WonderForest embodies a world with a relatively abstract style of creating floating cubes as flying creatures, grids of weaving lines as landscape, and a flock of points as smart entities. It is to challenge the stereotypical notions of perceptions and to arouse the question of what is “real” under the rapid development of VR technology.

Moving Body Festival’s webpage:

WonderForest/ Moving Body Festival:



我的VR 互動作品,WonderForest,在今年主題為 “Critical Moves” 的保加利亞 Moving Body Festival中的New Media 類別中獲選。Moving Body Festival試圖在COVID-19之後,尋找身體未來的定義,是一個集體的身體,是一個不斷變動的身體,是一個抽象還是可被碰觸的身體。WonderForest則利用VR這種所謂的高科技媒介創作一個身歷其境且可互動的空間,但抽象化所謂的動物,環境,地景等的具象概念,去進一步挑戰使用者對於身體感知的認知,甚而丟出VR空間體驗真實性的問題。

Moving Body Festival的主網站:

Moving Body Festival下WonderForest的網頁:
