Goddess in Ars Electronica Festival NYC Garden | AR Sculpture Garden

My AR Sculpture (IG Filter), Goddess, will be exhibited in Ars Electronica Festival NYC Garden 2021 under the AR Sculpture Garden section. Since COVID, Ars Electronica, based in Linz, Austria, has created this new version of Festival to celebrate local digital art virtually with multiple international locations called “Garden” by using the online technology like live-streaming, VR platform to boundlessly unite the international artists hosting this critical annual digital art event. The main theme of the NYC Garden this year focuses on exploring the intimacy of the technology and the coexistence of the virtual and tangible artworks.

A series of conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and performances will be taken place physically from Sept 8th to 12th at Culture Lab LLC in New York but also live-streamed online at their website curated by Extended Reality Ensemble – XRE. The AR Sculpture Garden will be held in person as well, so the audience can visit and see the virtual 3D sculptures with their phone by scanning the QR Codes on sites. For those who cannot be in the venue, you may also enjoy the 3D artworks by clicking the link with your phone at any place you want.

If you would like to directly enjoy my Goddess AR sculpture, here is the link (it works both with your front and back camera, just try it!):


Ars Electronica NYC Garden 2021:


Ars Electronica NYC Garden 2021 | AR Sculpture Garden:


Goddess IG Filter:



我的3D影像濾鏡作品,Goddess(女神),將於今年Ars Electronica紐約支線的NYC Garden中的AR Sculpture Garden展出。自去年COVID-19以來,因應各國國境封閉的局勢,奧地利林茲電子藝術節Ars Electronica除了在現場的展演之外,更創意地增加了世界各地稱為花園(Garden)的支線,讓藝術家不僅可在自己居處的地方展出,透過虛擬網絡的方式,也讓各地藝術家可以更快速即時地看到其他區域的數位藝術作品,企望拓展成一全球的共襄盛舉的電子藝術慶典。


今年延續去年的形式,由 Extended Reality Ensemble – XRE 主辦的紐約支線,以「Portal」作為主題探討科技的親密感,虛擬與真實的共存藝術可能性。自9月8日至12日會有一連串的研討會、展覽、工作坊、表演於現場Culture Lab LLC 舉行,並提供網路虛擬現場實播。AR Sculpture Garden除現場會架設QR Code讓觀眾可透過手機濾鏡配合現場環境看到各式各樣的虛擬3D作品。人無法到現場的各位,也可不受限於實際展場,透過網頁上提供的連結先賞這些虛擬3D作品,符合達到虛實共體,不受時空限制的主旨。

想直接試我的濾鏡,可以點此連結 (自拍或AR照相場景都可喔!):



Ars Electronica NYC Garden 2021 網站:


Ars Electronica NYC Garden 2021 | AR Sculpture Garden:


Goddess 濾鏡:
