SkyWindow in Recto VRso 2021 Artworks

After being selected to be exhibited in SIGGRAPH ASIA, my interactive immersive project, “SkyWindow” will join the “Recto VRso 2021 ARTWORKS” online exhibition as one of the 30 pieces. artist-researcher Judith Guez, Recto VRso aims to invite artworks of artists, researchers, students, and explorers who question the virtual reality medium, directly or indirectly, so as to bring out new artistic forms. “Virtual Exhibition/Real Exhibition” is the theme of this year. The ARTWORKS online exhibition including pieces within a range from Generative Art, Interactive Art, Online Performing Art, Online Exhibition Design, 3D virtual model/environment…etc. Recto VRso 2021will host the event from 4/14-16. Besides the online format to exhibit the artworks, the organization has developed a unique VR world, “Laval Virtual World” for the audience to free register and download to participate in diverse activities in real-time in this virtual environment. The activities will include, lectures, talks, artists’ meetups, and performances. Please follow the information below to join the event if you are interested.


SkyWindow’s artwork page:

SkyWindow’s demo video:

Recto VRso ARTWORKS exhibition page:

Recto VRso’s general programs, registration information, and schedule:



我的3D視覺作品SkyWindow,繼去年SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020後,再度受到青睞,獲選為法國 Recto VRso 2021年度的線上展覽 Artworks的30件作品之一。由Judith Guez所創辦的Recto VRso今年以虛擬/現實展覽為主題,探討不論是在展覽或是藝術創作上,虛擬與實境空間的結合的潛力。展覽作品內容包含數位生成藝術、互動藝術、虛擬3D造型藝術、線上表演藝術、線上藝術展覽設計等。線上展覽將於4/14-16舉辦,不僅有展覽網頁展出作品,更可免費註冊下載主辦單位為此活動所特別設計的虛擬空間Laval Virtual World,創建自己的虛擬人物,在線上參與三天內的各項演講、表演、藝術家交流活動。 SkyWindow呈現疫情下居家隔離對於擺脫束縛與追求希望的渴望,透過觀者的肢體動作,可與作品產生聲光的互動。有興趣可至連結參照說明與作品互動(建議使用電腦操作)。亦可參看以下作品影片的連結



SkyWindow 影片連結

Recto VRso線上展覽:

Recto VRso線上註冊、活動簡介與流程: